High End Workstation Performance — SPECviewperf 7.0

Gaming and Media Encoding Performance Content Creation and General Usage Performance
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  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 - link

    50-60dBA is conversation level volume. Of course, its white noise and relatively low frequency. I have serious doubts that your tower is 30dBA (except for the advertisement that says it is). about 35 dba is on the threshold of a whisper. Unless you live in a soundlab your ambient noise level should be around 30dba.
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 - link

    Yeah, #1 (uh.. and #2, doublepostage?) is right. 60dB is fscking loud, as anyone who's owned a Black Label can attest. My tower used to put out ~40 decibels of noise, and it was a touch loud (didn't bother me much though). "So?" you say? 50 decibels is 10 times 40 decibels. The wonders of non-linear scales.
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 30, 2003 - link

    Am I missing something here? How can 50-60 dBA be considered quiet? That's freight train level noise for a PC, especially with the quieter towers coming in at about 30 dBA.

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