Cutting Edge System (continued)


Recommendation: Onboard solution
Price: $0

Whichever motherboard you choose, we suggest you utilize your onboard Ethernet controller for Internet. Both the ASUS K8V Deluxe and ABIT IC7-G come with an onboard Ethernet controller; in fact, an onboard Gigabit Ethernet controller to be exact, capable of 10/100/1000 Mbps transfer speeds instead of just 10/100 Mbps transfer speeds. Gigabit technology itself doesn't do anything to literally speed up your Internet experience, but users who have multiple computers connected to each other (in a basic home network, for example) can transfer large amounts of data to and from systems much more quickly with Gigabit. You can always create your own home gateway by going dual LAN, but again, that choice is completely based upon your specific networking needs.

Hard Drive(s)

Recommendation: Western Digital Raptor 36.7GB 10,000RPM SATA
Price: $116 shipped

For the third week in a row, Western Digital tops our recommendation for desktop hard drives. This week, it's their Serial ATA Raptor hard drives. The 36.7GB Raptor is outfitted with features such as an 8MB buffer and 10,000RPM spindle, and a big bonus by going with a 5-year warranty. Previously, these features were only to be found on enterprise/SCSI drives, but thanks to WD, they have finally reached the mainstream desktop, more or less. The only "problem" with Raptor drives is that they just don't store a lot of data, with only 36.7GB and 74GB versions of the Raptor currently available. If you can't live with just 36.7GB, then you'll have to opt for a 74GB drive or even multiple hard drives.

There is no runner-up in today's category because the Raptor is in a class of its own at the moment. We could always tell you to go out and pick up a nice SCSI drive, from Fujitsu as one example, but we'd also then have to tell you to pick up U320 SCSI controller/cables as well. They're not terribly expensive - the cost of ownership has definitely drastically come down compared to a few years ago, but it may just not be worth the money for the usually minimal performance gain you'll experience. All in all, we'd stick with the Raptors for your cutting edge system for now. If you're a storage freak, then you should look at ATA 120GB, 200GB, etc. hard drives.

Optical Storage

Recommendation: Sony DRU-530A DVD-/+RW
Price: $155 shipped

Sony's DRU-530A is basically an improved version of their legendary DRU-500A drive, the first dual format DVD writer ever available. Originally, you had to choose between DVD-R/RW and DVD+R/RW drives, but Sony changed that for good with the DRU-500A. Not only that, but their dual drives were available months before the competition. Anyway, the DR-530A is one of the fastest DVD writers currently available; in fact, with the latest firmware update released just a few days ago (version 2.0A), the DRU-530A (and DRX530UL) is now able to record at 8X maximum on DVD-R media and 4X maximum on DVD-RW media with the appropriate speed rated media. Overall, you're getting a performance boost for free with the firmware update, and therefore one heck of a speed demon DVD writer. This is not to mention the aesthetically pleasing exterior of the DRU-530A and good bundled software.

If you're not particularly interested in DVD writers of any kind, we suggest that a combo CD-RW/DVD-ROM drive to save a little cash or, better yet, a separate CD-RW and separate DVD-ROM drive, if you'd like to burn CDs and watch movies at the same time. Plextor, Sony or Lite-On versions of these drives will suffice. Check our previous Buyer's Guides for more information.

Keyboard and Mouse

While trivial, it's still important that you purchase the right keyboard and mouse. Different people have different preferences for a keyboard's feel and look, and the same goes for a mouse. Therefore, we suggest you personally try out and test a keyboard and a mouse for yourself. Recommending purchasing these items online is misleading, as there are too many users with different preferences for this type of thing. Visit your nearest PC outlet to try out a keyboard and mouse yourself; a Best Buy or Circuit City store should suffice. We suggest that you start with Microsoft and Logitech keyboards and mice. Make sure you also check out [i]optical[/i] mice from Microsoft and Logitech as well. A good solid optical mouse from either manufacturer should run about $20, but in some cases, can run as little as $10 if you can find the right deal.

There are some great wireless optical mice out there, like the MX700 for example, but it really depends on whether you care at all about a wireless mouse and are willing to spend the money to acquire it. Most will be satisfied with a standard optical mouse from Microsoft or Logitech for gaming, as it offers identical (or better) precision and feel than most wireless mice. We are bringing up the idea of wireless mice merely because it is hugely popular with gamers nowadays.

Sound Card and Speaker picks... Cutting Edge System Summary
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  • agent2099 - Thursday, March 4, 2004 - link

    You need to recommend a "OS" drive, as well as a storage drive. I don't think having just a 36GB drive is practical these days. You could have said 36/74GB Raptor for the OS, and perhaps a WD or Seagate 120-200GB drive for storage.

    Also, no LCD recommendation?
  • buleyb - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 - link

    why no high end LCDs? boooo
  • TrogdorJW - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 - link

    I lost my post due to some network issues earlier, but I was going to mention that the final price table, while correct, might be better if you pulled the $55 power supply out of the case listing, or at the very least showed the price of the case and power supply as $125 and not $70. Adding up the right column comes up $55 short of the total, and the "$55 for power supply" in the case text isn't that clear. Also, no alternative recommendations for the case or power supply? What gives? I guess Antec is the best PS manufacturer.... [Dons flame-retardant suit.]
  • TrogdorJW - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 - link

    #17, I'm pretty sure that's what they plan for the "Overclocker's System". Buy moderate priced parts and overclock for extra performance.

    Anyway, if you're really looking at that price range, here's what I would change from this high-end system:

    1) Drop the CPU to an Athlon 3000+/3200+ to save $150 to almost $200.

    2) Drop the graphics card to the Radeon 9800 Pro to save $200.

    3) Do you need the monitor? If so, go with a 19" instead of 21" to save another $200.

    4) I would really recommend going with one large 160GB hard drive instead of two Raptors. Performance won't be as good, but I personally have about 60GB of files in just my GAMES folder! With movies, MP3s, etc. plus applications and Windows itself, I have about 140GB of data on my hard drives. Two Raptors just isn't going to cut it, especially with their cost.
  • joey2264 - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 - link

    First of all, I want to say that I object to anandtech saying that my hotmail account is not a real account just because many others have abused that particular name. If they want to block it, that is fine, but to tell someone to get a real account when thousands of people use hotmail is just absurd.

    I just wanted to mention in this forum, that I really liked the three guides that have been produced so far, but I would really like if Anandtech made a fourth one in between the "mid-range" and the "high-end" guides. maybe in the range of $1500-1600 (this is how much that I want to spend on my system) I'm sure that there are a lot of people who are weary of spending $2200+, but who are also not looking to have a bargain basement system. Thanks
  • Cygni - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 - link

    I dont really understand the point of anything above DDR400 on A64 based system, personally...
  • Pumpkinierre - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 - link

    Why did you pick the Abit IC7-G for your P4 mobo option. In the AT memory articles, AT(Wesley) uses the Asus P4C800-E deluxe which is also the only m'board suitable for DDR550 from Corsair and OCZ ( In other benchmarking articles, AT uses an ordinary Intel mobo also regarded as stable.
    I dont mind I've got an IC7-G and have found it quite stable under stressful conditions. However, both AT and others have said in the past that IC7s have memory stability issues, so I'm intrigued to know why you selected the ABIT over the ASUS for a system where stability has high priority?
  • yc6489 - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 - link

    Why not the universally acclaimed Z-680 for the speakers? Also I would go with the NEC/Mitsubishi FP2141SB-BK for the monitor.
  • Abraxas - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 - link

    i have sennheiser hd500s that i got from amazon for 65 bucks 2 years ago. great headphones, shitty cable... had to replace the cable once about 18 months ago for 12 bucks shipped, and its going out again as well. bad habit of chewing the cable as i play cs :)
  • KristopherKubicki - Wednesday, March 3, 2004 - link

    Headphones: Sennheiser HD600s :) Better than anything you could buy - albeit you wont exactly be able to share what youre lisetning too.

    Grados are good too though - i have a few pairs.


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