Editing Images with iPhoto 5

If you double-click on any image in iPhoto, you are essentially dropped into an Edit mode.  Getting back and forth between the edit mode and the browsing mode is much simpler in iPhoto 5 than it was in 4. Just hit the Done button and you're back to browsing without the editing tools.  But the real benefit of iPhoto 5's editing mode is that you now have all of your images at the top of the window for you to scroll through, instead of having to go back to browsing mode and then re-enter editing mode.  You can also scroll left and right using the arrow keys at the bottom right corner of the window. 

Given that it is designed for the type of photo editing that the vast majority of digital camera owners will be doing, the editing controls in iPhoto 5 aren't too surprising.  You have an easily accessible row of buttons at the bottom of your picture window, so there's no going to a separate tool box or pulling down another menu. 

The first one is rotate, which is self-explanatory.  The next tool is a drop-down for dimensions (or ratios) to constrain the image canvas to prepare it better for printing; and next to that drop-down, the crop button that will finish the deed.


Then, there are the usual buttons: enhance, red-eye reduction, a retouch brush, B&W and sepia filters. And then the most important button - the Adjust button. 

Hitting the adjust button brings up a translucent dashboard that has sliders to adjust the following items: brightness, contrast, color saturation, color temperature, tint and sharpness.  There are also sliders to straighten the image as well as adjust the exposure and crop out the high/low color levels of the picture. 

All of the sliders work in real time and for the first time, I found myself actually adjusting things like color saturation and temperature on a regular basis for the images that I imported into iPhoto. It was just so easy, since all of the useful controls were all presented for you right there.

The straighten slider is particularly neat because as soon as you start moving it, a grid appears over the image to help guide your image straightening - one of the most useful features of iPhoto.  For the first time, I actually had straight images without spending a lot of time on them. 

Straightening a photo in iPhoto 5

Editing images in iPhoto is very easy, but unfortunately, not a Photoshop replacement for me. The problem is that saving (exporting) images from iPhoto is a bit of an ordeal compared to doing a simple Save As under Photoshop. 

The application is clearly designed for the needs of your normal digital camera enthusiast. You can easily email the photos, print them, make them into a book (which you can then order printed and made from Apple directly within the application) or even order prints using the integrated Kodak Print Service (also built-in directly to the application).  However, for web publication on a site like AnandTech where photos need to be ftp'd over, iPhoto does lose some of its appeal.  So for my needs, iPhoto is faster in some cases, but I can't get rid of Photoshop all together.  For example, iPhoto won't let me do a custom resize of an image that doesn't scale the length and width by the same proportions, something that is sometimes necessary for our front page graphics.  While iPhoto 5 produced all of the images for this article, one required launching Photoshop.  The one thing that I did like about iPhoto's file export is that you can give it width and height constraints for the images and it will handle all resizing for you. Unfortunately, it doesn't always stay within those bounds if you have images of varying sizes in the selection that you're exporting. 

For management of your pictures of friends, family and your hobbies, iPhoto works wonders, but it does leave me wishing that there was a more professional version of iPhoto that would add features like non-constrained sizes and ftp export.  I'd like to be able to replace Photoshop completely, simply because it's too expensive of an application and too feature-filled for the needs that I have; unfortunately, iPhoto wasn't the complete replacement that I was looking for, although it came extremely close.

iPhoto 5 iWork '05
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  • ehanneken - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 - link

    I got my Mac Mini yesterday. It came with iLife on a DVD *and* preinstalled.

    gibhunter, the upgrade to 512 MB is a $75 option when ordering the Mini; the owner is not required to do it himself. The only other expenses I had were taxes and a $13 USB adapter for my old PS/2 keyboard and mouse. I already had a spare 17" monitor. Altogether, I spent about $630.

    I may buy a cheap new keyboard, though. My old keyboard doesn't have a Windows key, and I think OS X maps the Apple key to it.
  • deathwalker - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 - link

    #12..I'm in your corner. If you can see through the fog of the $499 price tag then you are really looking at a $900-$1000 "Pig"...no thanks!~!
  • ianwhthse - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 - link

    #4, downtowncb

    They might not know the speed of the hard drive, true, but they're definitely going to notice it's slow.

    I think you underestimate the average user's ability to notice that their computer is running like a pig. Why deal with a spyware infested Windows machine when you can switch to a Mac and get a system that's barely faster than said infested machine because Apple decided you needed a slow HDD, and pathetic amounts of ram?

    Anand commented about how the 256 MB of ram was insufficient, but do you think most people are going to magically know that they need to double the ram to get a good experience? (Assuming "most people" aren't Anandtech readers).

    Anyway, I'm done with that rant.

    Anand, are you going to look more closely at the iMovie, Garageband, iDVD trifecta? I currently use the Adobe Video Collection Professional (Premier, After Effects, Encore DVD, Audition, and Photoshop). I’m just looking for something that can make something nice for the smaller projects I end up working on. So those applications are interesting (plus the fact that you can buy the Adobe collection on Mac would allow me to make a complete move off the PC). Well except for gaming. But all I play on my PC now is KOTOR, so I won’t cry too hard.

    (I can also get a Mac version of Seti@home, how ‘bout that?)
  • Avalon - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 - link

    #13, most people do NOT have $300 flat screens and USB keyboards/mice just simply laying around. Take this for what it is: the cheapest way to use OS X.
  • hopejr - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 - link

    #11, I have a 1GHz iBook G4 and it's good for audio editing with Garageband. I'm sure the Mac Mini will be better

    #12, many ppl already have those things laying around (apart from the RAM).

    Good article!!
  • gibhunter - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 - link

    You're all forgetting the fine print.
    First, a Mac mini is crap with 256MB of RAM. Gotta buy the more powerful Mac. Do they offer them with 512? If not, suddenly the average Joe needs to learn how to upgrade. Suddenly it's $600.
    Gotta get a keyboard and a mouse. Only USB ports are available though so they will be pricey. $700.
    Gotta get a monitor. A stylish PC absolutely requires a stylish flat panel. $300.

    Suddenly you have a very weak personal computer for a thousand bucks. What a bargain! (sarcasm)
  • ksherman - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 - link

    hey Anand, do you think this little box would be any good at Audio Editing? My lil bro is starting to get pretty heavy into it and REALLY wants a Mac, and this mini seems like it may be in his price range.
  • downtowncb - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 - link

    I know a few techie friends who have always been PC users that are purchasing Mac minis because they are a cheap way to get familiar with OSX while getting to work with BSD. Also the built-in Apache server is good for them (and can be activated by a single click). I'd say there are at least 2 crowds buying minis, the techie "I just want to try it out and it's 25% the cost of my last system" crowd and the $499 "I always buy the cheapest thing" crowd. You're right, the normal arguments don't apply because in the first case the arguments are overlooked in favor of software and OS and in the second they've never even heard our arguments (to them RPM is how fast your engine is going).
  • bob661 - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 - link

    Itunes isn't preinstalled. It's part of the iLife package.
  • jfpilon - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 - link

    About the office compability: why not just use openoffice.org?

    check it out: http://developer.apple.com/darwin/runningx11.html

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