Samsung and MSI - iPod nano clones

As you can expect, portable MP3 players were popular the show. The most common theme of all the MP3 players we saw? A number of them looked very similar in design to Apple's iPod nano. We took pictures of two such examples, one from Samsung and one from MSI:


Although the looks were there, the user interface wasn't. The Creative Labs players were pretty much the closest to a true iPod competitor that we've seen, the rest just have the right looks on the outside but that's usually where the similarity ends.

Canon and Toshiba Demonstrate SED TVs 82" LCD TVs
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  • andrewln - Monday, January 9, 2006 - link

    some very interesting products..
    SED, 82" LCD?!.. 103" plasma..tiny projector....4K projector
    clear raptor...finally, something new for hard drives
    dual lense camara

    dissapointments? or i'm wrong?
    0.85" 4GB hard drive?...can't they make 4GB sd already, not moving parts and requires less power
    nano clones..? why not make it better rather just cloning?
    wireless tablet....i thought we have those already coment
  • MrSmurf - Monday, January 9, 2006 - link

    Things like the small HDD are more to impress us with how far technology has advanced. It's a novelity.
  • swtethan - Monday, January 9, 2006 - link

    by samsung... worlds largest... hehehe
  • littlebitstrouds - Monday, January 9, 2006 - link

    I want a 103" plasma
  • swtethan - Monday, January 9, 2006 - link

    sweet stuff!

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