Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

The overall gaming performance of the Biostar TForce4 U 775 is phenomenal compared to our recent Intel based test results. The Biostar board took first place in five of the seven tests and scored well in the two that it did not win. In the benchmarks where the minimum and maximum scores are listed it should be noted the Biostar board consistently had the best minimum scores reported. This performance pattern directly led to the board's impressive scores. We contacted NVIDIA and Biostar about the performance of the board and were assured they have witnessed excellent results in their internal testing. We ran the tests on our second board and actually witnessed higher results in the Serious Sam II and Battlefield 2 benchmarks. Although we did not report Doom 3 and Quake 4 scores, the Biostar board was generally 4% faster than the Asus and Intel boards. A combination of the optimized BIOS and chipset revisions has certainly turned this board into an excellent Intel platform for gaming.

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  • Ecmaster76 - Thursday, February 16, 2006 - link

    If they do they might acually catch up with AMD.

    Supposedly their CSI project is falling apart. If they swallow their pride their server department would find a boon in HT

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