SLI Performance

We installed our SLI bridge connector and the ULi PowerExpress Engine Enabling driver with the NVIDIA 81.98 WHQL driver set for the SLI testing. Upon installation of the ULi PowerExpress driver and a system reboot, the NVIDIA 81.98 driver properly recognized our additional MSI 7800GTX video card for SLI operation. EPoX has stated they will not be including an SLI bridge connector or the ULi PowerExpress driver in their retail package. Also, the board will not be certified for SLI operations.

Gaming Performance - SLI

Gaming Performance - SLI

Gaming Performance - SLI

Gaming Performance - SLI

Gaming Performance - SLI

The performance of the Epox board in our SLI gaming benchmarks is very competitive and, at times, better than our NVIDIA nForce4 boards. In fact, we are very surprised at the level of performance in these benchmarks compared to the NVIDIA nForce4 solutions and we understand why NVIDIA chose to pursue ULi.

Graphics Performance - SLI

Graphics Performance - SLI

Graphics Performance - SLI

The performance pattern continues in the synthetic benchmarks with the Epox board scoring a sweep in the 3DMark tests. Overall, we were very impressed with the SLI performance of the EPoX EP-9U1697 GLi and did not find any performance or graphic issues in our test suites. We also played numerous games without issue and believe that the ULi PowerExpress Engine Enabling driver is a very stable solution.

Gaming Performance Disk Controller Performance
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  • Spoelie - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - link

    Another very small quirk: page 7 3rd graph shows latency - lower is better - but the boards are still ordered like higher is better..
  • Spoelie - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - link

    hmm and apparantly all the audio utilization graphs as well :) And since we're still at it, since for storage performance differs only from southbridge to southbridge and not from board to board, it might ease up those graphs to just display one representative for each + the board in review.
  • Rock Hydra - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - link

    Er sorry, forgot to mention you said DDR2.
  • Googer - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - link

    Here is another just released review on this same motherboard:">,
  • Gary Key - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - link

    Sorry about that, corrected. :)

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