Unreal Tournament 3

The highly anticipated Unreal Tournament 3 landed on our PC's hard drive a while ago and has not failed to deliver the ultra fast FPS shooter we all expected. A slick 3D engine that provides ultra fast-paced action requires a system capable of sustaining frame rates during periods of intense online gaming action. Unlike other modern 3D gaming engines, Unreal's code is sensitive to memory performance and notable gains can be realized from tweaking memory bandwidth and chipset performance levels.

Tournament 3 - E8500 - 3.16GHz

Tournament 3 - E8500 - 4GHz

Tournament 3 - E8500 - 3.16GHz

Tournament 3 - E8500 - 4GHz

The DFI board performs admirably in UT3 when pitched against the EVGA 780i reference board. There really is no better solution for this game than a DDR3 system, but considering the price to performance ratio of the DDR2 boards, these scores are not bad at all for DFI.

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  • lopri - Monday, April 28, 2008 - link

    Sorry if I missed it but I can't locate it?
  • Rajinder Gill - Monday, April 28, 2008 - link


    There is no PDF, it is an Adobe flash player video on page 14..

  • Kromis - Monday, April 28, 2008 - link

    I'm loving the green!
  • Kromis - Monday, April 28, 2008 - link

    I haven't heard/read much from DFI in a while

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