Getting Really Hot

Another concern we had for the acrylic cases was raised when we realized the C3 had upside down power supply mountings.  We were originally concerned about the panels melting if the power supply on this unit began to vent hot air directly onto the acrylic.  In true AnandTech fashion, we decided to sacrifice a panel of each of our cases to determine the temperature at which each case would eventually melt.  We used an industrial heat gun rated at 300 degrees Fahrenheit used at incrementally closer distances. We used a thermometer to record the surface temperature of the acrylic to determine when melting would occur.


Degrees F

BeanTech BT82

240F ClearPC


C3 Crystal Clear


Kingwin 436-B-WM Aluminum


Our cases can clearly handle a large degree of heat.  The ClearPC website mentions that the ClearPC is constructed of Lucite, which should have a melting point upwards of 210 degrees Fahrenheit.  We are not really sure why it scored much lower.  Perhaps impurities were introduced into the materials while it was reformed and melted.  We are still thinking of a way to melt our Kingwin case.

Performance Installation
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