Final Words

OCZ may have been first to market with high voltage 2-2-2 memory, but Mushkin Redline XP4000 competes very well with the top OCZ VX Gold PC4000. Mushkin is clearly doing a very good job of binning the Winbond UTT chips, since performance in every area was as good as, or slightly better, than the OCZ that we tested a few weeks ago.

It is not faint praise to say that the Mushkin Redline we tested was at least the equal of OCZ VX Gold 4000 – the fastest DDR memory that we have tested up to this point. Mushkin Redline is a quality memory, which is the important point of this review. The Mushkin is actually the fastest DDR memory that we have ever tested at 2-2-2 timings, edging out OCZ at the top at DDR544 compared to DDR538. However, it would be a mistake to make too much of this, since the performance seen from OCZ VX Gold 4000 and Mushkin Redline XP4000 was virtually identical. The variations between them were what you would find as normal variations with any two memories using the same chips from lines using similar binning strategies.

Mushkin Redline XP4000 is some of the fastest memory that you can buy, but it requires special handling that will not be everyone’s cup of tea. You need to feed it about 3.5V for best performance. Only one production board family supplies those voltages out of the box – the DFI nForce4 series Ultra or SLI. If you want to use another board, you may be able to use the OCZ DDR Booster, which costs about $40, to supply the higher voltages. The DDR Booster won’t work on every motherboard, but it does work on most. Or lastly, you could go on Enthusiast Forums to find the latest volt mod for your favorite motherboard. Just keep in mind that a volt mod will almost surely void your warranty.

If these options don’t scare you away, then get ready for some outstanding performance with either Mushkin Redline XP4000 or OCZ VX Gold 4000. There are no other options that can deliver 2-2-2 DDR memory timings at almost DDR550 speed. It takes voltage to get there, but you can be sure that your memory performance is as good as it will get.

If, on the other hand, the options for reaching 3.5V frighten you or really are not something that interests you, then move on to another memory. Mushkin Redline and OCZ VX are not for everyone. There are many readers who will think all this effort is a waste of time and resources, and they should select another memory. That is why there are complete systems, separate components, a wide range of component performance levels, and Dell and HP, all serving the computer market. Not everyone has the same goals, interests or passions for computer technology.

Mushkin Redline XP4000 clearly delivers what it promises to the Computer Enthusiast. If that level of performance is what you’re looking for, and you’re willing to provide 3.5V of memory voltage, then you will be very satisfied with Mushkin Redline memory.

Highest Performance
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  • jermaink - Tuesday, July 12, 2005 - link

    I'm just wondering what cooling was used for this RAM at the high voltages. I'm thinking of getting some, and I'm wondering if using a Zalman FB123 in 'silent mode' would be sufficient.
  • melgross - Monday, May 30, 2005 - link

    Well, here's something interesting for the DDR2 is too expensive crowd:;jse...
  • Spajky - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 - link

    @ fitten (#18): >there is no such thing as "super stable". It's either stable or it isn't< TRUE !
    I have a very special way of testing OC-ed hardware if is stable, check my site ...

    @ Barkuti (#22): >A retest for the not that high clockspeed modules would be nice< I Agree, by maybe adding another test program for testing them, see my proposal downthere ...

    Using Sandra mem.bench: the problem is that 95% of people do not understand properly, what are those results Sandra gives them & do not know how much impact have on real life PC performance. So for ordinary user, Sandra mem.benchmark tells a s**t!

    My (research) article "about BENCH´ING MEMORY -real life"
    with WinRAR´s built_in benchmark & hardware test" - on my site:
    some tests/benchmarks & explanation HOW IT WORKS, is here directly:

    [especially the yellow column is interesting!]
    /sorry, I didn´t make any graphs/
  • Spajky - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 - link

    @ fitten (#18): >there is no such thing as "super stable". It's either stable or it isn't< TRUE !
    I have a very special way of testing OC-ed hardware if is stable, check my site ...

    @ Barkuti (#22): >A retest for the not that high clockspeed modules would be nice< I Agree, by maybe adding another test program for testing them, see my proposal downthere ...

    Using Sandra mem.bench: the problem is that 95% of people do not understand properly, what are those results Sandra gives them & do not know how much impact have on real life PC performance. So for ordinary user, Sandra mem.benchmark tells a s**t!

    My (research) article "about BENCH´ING MEMORY -real life"
    with WinRAR´s built_in benchmark & hardware test" - on my site:
    some tests/benchmarks & explanation HOW IT WORKS, is here directly:

    [especially the yellow column is interesting!]
    /sorry, I didn´t make any graphs/
  • Spajky - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 - link

    @ fitten (#18): >there is no such thing as "super stable". It's either stable or it isn't< TRUE !
    I have a very special way of testing OC-ed hardware if is stable, check my site ...

    @ Barkuti (#22): >A retest for the not that high clockspeed modules would be nice< I Agree, by maybe adding another test program for testing them, see my proposal downthere ...

    Using Sandra mem.bench: the problem is that 95% of people do not understand properly, what are those results Sandra gives them & do not know how much impact have on real life PC performance. So for ordinary user, Sandra mem.benchmark tells a s**t!

    My (research) article "about BENCH´ING MEMORY -real life"
    with WinRAR´s built_in benchmark & hardware test" - on my site:
    some tests/benchmarks & explanation HOW IT WORKS, is here directly:

    [especially the yellow column is interesting!]
    /sorry, I didn´t make any graphs/
  • Spajky - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 - link

    @ fitten (#18): >there is no such thing as "super stable". It's either stable or it isn't< TRUE !
    I have a very special way of testing OC-ed hardware if is stable, check my site ...

    @ Barkuti (#22): >A retest for the not that high clockspeed modules would be nice< I Agree, by maybe adding another test program for testing them, see my proposal downthere ...

    Using Sandra mem.bench: the problem is that 95% of people do not understand properly, what are those results Sandra gives them & do not know how much impact have on real life PC performance. So for ordinary user, Sandra mem.benchmark tells a s**t!

    My (research) article "about BENCH´ING MEMORY -real life"
    with WinRAR´s built_in benchmark & hardware test" - on my site:
    some tests/benchmarks & explanation HOW IT WORKS, is here directly:

    [especially the yellow column is interesting!]
    /sorry, I didn´t make any graphs/
    Regards , SPAJKY ®
    mail addr. @ my site @
    3rd Ann.: - "Tualatin OC-ed / BX-Slot1 / inaudible setup!"
  • Spajky - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 - link

    @ fitten (#18): >there is no such thing as "super stable". It's either stable or it isn't< TRUE !
    I have a very special way of testing OC-ed hardware if is stable, check my site ...

    @ Barkuti (#22): >A retest for the not that high clockspeed modules would be nice< I Agree, by maybe adding another test program for testing them, see my proposal downthere ...

    Using Sandra mem.bench: the problem is that 95% of people do not understand properly, what are those results Sandra gives them & do not know how much impact have on real life PC performance. So for ordinary user, Sandra mem.benchmark tells a s**t!

    My (research) article "about BENCH´ING MEMORY -real life"
    with WinRAR´s built_in benchmark & hardware test" - on my site:
    some tests/benchmarks & explanation HOW IT WORKS, is here directly:

    [especially the yellow column is interesting!]
    /sorry, I didn´t make any graphs/
  • Spajky - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 - link

    @ fitten (#18): >there is no such thing as "super stable". It's either stable or it isn't< TRUE !
    I have a very special way of testing OC-ed hardware if is stable, check my site ...

    @ Barkuti (#22): >A retest for the not that high clockspeed modules would be nice< I Agree, by maybe adding another test program for testing them, see my proposal downthere ...

    Using Sandra mem.bench: the problem is that 95% of people do not understand properly, what are those results Sandra gives them & do not know how much impact have on real life PC performance. So for ordinary user, Sandra mem.benchmark tells a s**t!

    My (research) article "about BENCH´ING MEMORY -real life"
    with WinRAR´s built_in benchmark & hardware test" - on my site:
    some tests/benchmarks & explanation HOW IT WORKS, is here directly:

    [especially the yellow column is interesting!]
    /sorry, I didn´t make any graphs/
  • Spajky - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 - link

    @ fitten (#18): >there is no such thing as "super stable". It's either stable or it isn't< TRUE !
    I have a very special way of testing OC-ed hardware if is stable, check my site ...

    @ Barkuti (#22): >A retest for the not that high clockspeed modules would be nice< I Agree, by maybe adding another test program for testing them, see my proposal downthere ...

    Using Sandra mem.bench: the problem is that 95% of people do not understand properly, what are those results Sandra gives them & do not know how much impact have on real life PC performance. So for ordinary user, Sandra mem.benchmark tells a s**t!

    My (research) article "about BENCH´ING MEMORY -real life"
    with WinRAR´s built_in benchmark & hardware test" - on my site:
    some tests/benchmarks & explanation HOW IT WORKS, is here directly:

    [especially the yellow column is interesting!]
    /sorry, I didn´t make any graphs/
  • Spajky - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 - link

    @ fitten (#18): >there is no such thing as "super stable". It's either stable or it isn't< TRUE !
    I have a very special way of testing OC-ed hardware if is stable, check my site ...

    @ Barkuti (#22): >A retest for the not that high clockspeed modules would be nice< I Agree, by maybe adding another test program for testing them, see my proposal downthere ...

    Using Sandra mem.bench: the problem is that 95% of people do not understand properly, what are those results Sandra gives them & do not know how much impact have on real life PC performance. So for ordinary user, Sandra mem.benchmark tells a s**t!

    My (research) article "about BENCH´ING MEMORY -real life"
    with WinRAR´s built_in benchmark & hardware test" - on my site:
    some tests/benchmarks & explanation HOW IT WORKS, is here directly:

    [especially the yellow column is interesting!]
    /sorry, I didn´t make any graphs/

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