How it Rates

AnandTech Rating

Rating (x/10)

Audio Quality/Performance

The CABO offers little when it comes down to quality bass and treble output.  Of the three equalizer presets that are offered, only one provides optimal audio playback quality.  In addition, MP3 songs at 112kbps provide the best audio playback though most people encode MP3s at bitrates of 128kbps and higher.



The voice recording feature is a plus, along with onboard 64MB of memory expandable to 96MB with the addition of a SmartMedia RAM card.  The telephone book feature doesn’t isn’t a major plus but it can come in handy.  However, the CABO only supports a parallel port connection rather than the widely used USB connection which is faster and more versatile and is not supported in Windows NT and 2000.



At a price of around the ballpark of 200 dollars (U.S.), the CABO is not worth the money for a first-generation MP3 player.



Best Data is known for its modems and network products, not for its MP3 players thus the CABO is not carried by a great number of online hardware vendors or major computer retailers.


Documentation & Software Bundle

The manual covers all the necessary instructions needed to operate the CABO though there are some major flaws in some procedures.  The included software titles are mediocre at best and overall do not offer a great deal in terms of value.

Overall Rating - Not an Average
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