How it Rates

AnandTech CPU Rating

Rating (x/10)


The Celeron performs in line with what we would expect from a 600MHz Celeron, the performance improvement over the Celeron 533 isn't incredible although the SSE instructions do give it somewhat of a boost.

The 66MHz FSB/memory bus is still a major limitation that keeps it from outperforming even the first generation Pentium IIIs.



With SSE support and a full speed on-die L2 cache, the Celeron is definitely feature friendly.



The Celeron has always been a cost effective solution, and considering that the 600MHz part can be had for around $150, the value of the CPU has definitely not gone down.



We can only hope that these new Celerons should be more available than their higher clock speed Pentium III counterparts.

Considering that these chips are in fact lower clock speed parts, they shouldn't be too difficult to find, the main problem with finding Intel chips online is that the higher clock speed parts (733MHz+) are difficult to find because the larger OEMs are gobbling most of them up.

In the case of the Celeron, there shouldn't be much to worry about in terms of availability.

Overall Rating - Not an Average - Click here to find out why
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