Full Scene Anti-Aliasing

The KYRO's FSAA implementation is similar to that used by NVIDIA - the image is rendered at a higher resolution than the current frame buffer, then scaled down to fit in the frame buffer. Despite this fact, Imagination Technologies and STMicro refer to the available modes as 2x and 4x, just like 3dfx does. The KYRO's FSAA implementaiton is still very early thanks to those alpha drivers. It currently only works in D3D, although we've been told it will definitely support OpenGL in the shipping drivers. Below are screen shots from Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed. We have similar screenshots from the Voodoo5 and GeForce 2 GTS here and here, respectively.

The image above is JPEG compressed and thus has some quality loss compared to the original.
Click here to download a zip (189 KB) containing the original targa screenshot.
For the full effect, the image should be viewed full screen.

The option to select the FSAA mode in the drivers had not been implemented in our early alpha drivers, nor could we verify which mode it was using by the time of publication. As soon as we can, we'll make an update. Most likely, it is 4x FSAA. We also decided not to benchmark the FSAA performance, once again due to the early alpha status of the drivers.

Unreal Tournament: Athlon 750 (cont.) Conclusion
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